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Irish Businesses can save thousands of euro on redundancy payments and recruitment costs by upskilling ‘at risk’ staff in coding, rather than making them redundant. That’s according to Dublin 8 based Wild Code School Dublin, who launched their part-time classroom-based coding courses, which run over five months just last week. Up to 46,000 jobs in […]
Once you have identified the type of job you are interested in, the challenge is to get it. This takes planning – you will need to create an arresting CV, for a start. Employers and HR managers receive hundreds of CVs every year, so if yours is confusing or badly laid out then chances are […]
Continuing Professional Development or CPD is the process of continual learning. Professionals undertake CPD to keep up to date with changes in their field, as well as learn new skills, and develop their knowledge or experience. Certain industries and professional bodies require or encourage their members to undertake a certain number of CPD hours every year […]
Customers are at the heart of everything, whatever sector your business is in. Customers aren’t an automatic right for a business, they constantly need to be nurtured, increased and retained. Like people’s habits of consumption, purchase and usage, Customer Service trends continue to evolve and modify in line with market trends. That’s why a focus […]
The onset of the pandemic has propelled managers, leaders and business owners into the slightly surreal world of sustained remote performance management. With the rapid onset of societal lockdowns, organisations were forced to make this transition quickly, and for the most part, without dedicated preparation or training. Let’s take a look at some of the […]
All Start-Ups face a variety of challenges as they try to establish themselves in their respective industries. Scale Ireland launched a ‘State of Start-ups’ Survey to explore the current challenges facing Irish start ups and gauge the sentiment of founders around the country. Scale Ireland is an independent not-for-profit organisation which supports, represents and advocates […]
A new survey* covering different aspects of the experience of remote working in Ireland has suggested that most Irish workers are in favour of the concept of remote working continuing in some shape or form as we begin the transition towards a post-COVID-19 world of work. The COVID-19 crisis gave rise to a mass shift […]
Whether you like it or not, you are a brand. Famous brands like Coca-Cola, the Big Mac or the iPhone, elicit an emotional reaction from us. Most people have an opinion – either positive or negative – about each of these. Celebrities are brands too. This branding is part of their star image and is used […]
Certified Auditor training and qualifications provides you with skills to give your employer or client complete confidence in you in terms of providing an effective and reliable auditing service for any aspect of the business. Auditing training is important in terms of enhancing your auditing skills and complementing your work experience in this area with […]
This article will introduce the trainer to the world of persuasion. Successful trainers need to influence learners to create a positive learning experience. We also show you how to adopt a more influencing style in your training workshops and indeed in your life! Persuasion is not manipulation When most people hear the word persuasion they think […]