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So how do you know if you are biased? Answer is, you’re human. Bias exists within all people, at some level at some point, for varying durations, within their lives. The more overt forms of bias, which often takes the form of naked discrimation, are rightly confronted within society and, on a general level, there […]
Certified Auditor training and qualifications provides you with skills to give your employer or client complete confidence in you in terms of providing an effective and reliable auditing service for any aspect of the business. Auditing training is important in terms of enhancing your auditing skills and complementing your work experience in this area with […]
Public speaking can fill even the most seasoned professional with a sense of dread. Even if you don’t need to make regular presentations, there are plenty of situations where good public speaking skills can help you advance your career and create opportunities. Good public speaking skills are important in other areas of your life, as […]
Creativity is a crucial element for achieving long-term success for any business. While technical expertise and strategic planning remain vital, the ability to think creatively is what sets thriving companies apart from those that merely survive. From driving innovation to fostering resilience, creativity can transform an organization, making it dynamic, productive, and adaptable. Here’s why […]
The clamour of shows, product releases, conferences and exhibitions makes it hard for people to notice your corporate event. That’s true, even of your target audience. Good publicity can be the difference between success and failure. Luckily we have is a simple step-by-step process to ensure your event is a success. STEP 1: PREPARATION Designate a […]
Business Management is a skill essential to harnessing, improving and reviewing performance for, or from within, your company/organisation. Business management is a continuous process of communication between a supervisor and an employee that occurs throughout the year, in support of accomplishing the strategic objectives of the organisation. The communication process includes clarifying expectations, setting objectives, […]
The Evolution of Work: with technology continuing to transform the workplace, it is imperative that those in management prepare for new ways of working. Technology such as artificial intelligence are driving massive changes within all levels of business, from recruitment to workflow to delivery. These of course have an impact on how management and employees […]
Being able to manage situations in the workplace where conflict is in play is a very important element of management and leadership development in your career. Organisations need leaders, and future leaders, who are able to identify, adapt to and resolve issues of conflict to ensure they present no strategic threat to the development of […]
Brian Moore and Guy Flouch outline how to improve training effectiveness by developing a greater understanding of the different learning styles of trainees. Learning is the goal of training. As trainers, you have probably noticed that some trainees appear to learn ‘quicker’ or ‘more easily’ than others. While we are all natural learners, research has […]
Media Training will equip you with invaluable techniques to successfully handle even the toughest media interviews as well as contributing to various elements of media, be it digital, print or broadcast. Professional media training is a vital element in terms of providing a cohesive and timely response to media queries and PR crises in the […]