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If you´re thinking about becoming an accountant well, take comfort. You couldn´t be joining the profession at a better time! Accountancy as a profession has experienced unprecedented growth in recent times in Ireland and in Europe. In Ireland and Britain, it amoung the largest single employer of university graduates from any discipline. Some of the […]
A new report has identified Skills Gap & Financial Support Problems for SMEs finding that many small and medium sized enterprises are facing certain struggles when it comes to boosting productivity and business development due to emerging skill gaps in financial analysis and risk assessment. Skills Gap & Financial Support Problems for SMEs The report, […]
Lifelong learning, upskilling and continuous professional development are more important than ever before. Business and technologies are changing. As a result, it has become crucial for employees to upskill. You may have thought you were through with learning once you finished formal education, but it is unlikely to be the case. An educated workforce attracts […]
Teamwork training helps both individuals and groups to focus on what is important, rewarding and productive when it comes to working together. Teamwork training builds on the natural human instinct to be part of a group and to defend that group from other groups and other influences. It is also natural for people to defend […]
Best Microphones for Webinars: We’re spending a lot more of our working time communicating with others online – whether it be zoom meetings for work or industry webinars, so much more of our activities are being conducted in a virtual environment. In most cases people are using their desktop computers, laptops or tablets to deliver […]
Being able to manage situations in the workplace where conflict is in play is a very important element of management and leadership development in your career. Organisations need leaders, and future leaders, who are able to identify, adapt to and resolve issues of conflict to ensure they present no strategic threat to the development of […]
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard programming language used to manage and manipulate databases. What is SQL? SQL is a domain-specific language used for retrieving and manipulating data in relational database management systems (RDBMS) like Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and others. It is the mainstream language for database access used in most applications […]
In the fast-moving knowledge economy, effective time stewardship confers outsized competitive benefits to companies large and small. With a finite amount of hours available, how businesses systemize activities for productivity over busyness makes all the difference for success. Leaders especially, but entire workforces need tools to prioritize appropriately, enhance team-wide clarity, and speed informed decision […]
If you’re starting a business you’re going to need a website. For a start a website is an opportunity to make a great first impression and is a great way to connect with your customers. And of course it will provide the platform for you to conduct your business, be it selling a product, providing […]
It is obvious that nutrition plays an essential role in our everyday lives. According to the World Health Organisation, proper nutrition can boost brain performance by up to 20%. In order to grasp the importance of a balanced and healthy diet to concentration and work, you have to think of nutrition as medicine for the […]