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Public speaking can fill even the most seasoned professional with a sense of dread. Even if you don’t need to make regular presentations, there are plenty of situations where good public speaking skills can help you advance your career and create opportunities. Good public speaking skills are important in other areas of your life, as […]
A new survey* covering different aspects of the experience of remote working in Ireland has suggested that most Irish workers are in favour of the concept of remote working continuing in some shape or form as we begin the transition towards a post-COVID-19 world of work. The COVID-19 crisis gave rise to a mass shift […]
Managing risk and ensuring safety in the workplace are critical responsibilities for any manager. One powerful tool to help visualise and address these challenges is the Swiss Cheese Model, a widely recognised framework in risk management and organisational safety. What Is the Swiss Cheese Model? The Swiss Cheese Model, developed by psychologist James Reason, illustrates […]
With health & safety, workplace regulations and employer liability all very much to the fore these days, a course in manual handling for management and employees is a sensible step to take. Workplace injuries from manual handling are frequent and can lead to painful and long term injury and possible disability and can also affect […]
Being able to manage situations in the workplace where conflict is in play is a very important element of management and leadership development in your career. Organisations need leaders, and future leaders, who are able to identify, adapt to and resolve issues of conflict to ensure they present no strategic threat to the development of […]
“People don’t quit bad jobs. They quit bad managers.” – This widely recognized sentiment underscores the pivotal role that leadership and management play in employee retention, satisfaction, and overall organizational success. While companies often focus on job roles, perks, and compensation to keep employees happy, the key to creating a thriving, motivated team lies in […]
Jobs Expo is returning to Dublin’s Croke Park on Saturday, 15th October 2022 and runs from 10am-4pm. This careers fair will feature hundreds of active job opportunities and is the only careers exhibition of its type to feature free admission. Jobs Expo Dublin will provide job seekers with real opportunities to find new employment. What […]
Brian Moore and Guy Flouch outline how to improve training effectiveness by developing a greater understanding of the different learning styles of trainees. Learning is the goal of training. As trainers, you have probably noticed that some trainees appear to learn ‘quicker’ or ‘more easily’ than others. While we are all natural learners, research has […]
Few words in the English language are as misappropriated as often as the word strategy. While most think they know what it means, the majority have very little idea as to how a successful strategy should be planned and implemented. Let’s take a look at a few tips on how a strategy can be effectively […]
So how do you know if you are biased? Answer is, you’re human. Bias exists within all people, at some level at some point, for varying durations, within their lives. The more overt forms of bias, which often takes the form of naked discrimation, are rightly confronted within society and, on a general level, there […]