Unfortunately, there are no courses listed in our database in Leitrim. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
Continuing Professional Development or CPD is the process of continual learning. Professionals undertake CPD to keep up to date with changes in their field, as well as learn new skills, and develop their knowledge or experience. Certain industries and professional bodies require or encourage their members to undertake a certain number of CPD hours every year […]
As a business evolves, those that work within it, at all levels become part of a unique community. Those that accompany the business on its journey are almost as critical to its success as those who established it. Investing in developing your staff through supports such as mentorships have strong long term benefits for what […]
Being able to manage situations in the workplace where conflict is in play is a very important element of management and leadership development in your career. Organisations need leaders, and future leaders, who are able to identify, adapt to and resolve issues of conflict to ensure they present no strategic threat to the development of […]
The onset of the pandemic has propelled managers, leaders and business owners into the slightly surreal world of sustained remote performance management. With the rapid onset of societal lockdowns, organisations were forced to make this transition quickly, and for the most part, without dedicated preparation or training. Let’s take a look at some of the […]
With technological transformations changing job requirements across industries, Irish companies that want to remain competitive and resilient must invest in continuously upskilling their workforces. Future-Proof Your Team: Why Staff Upskilling Is Vital for Irish Businesses Stay Industry Relevant Regular upskilling helps ensure your teams are always fully aligned to the latest procedures, frameworks, regulations and […]
The Hays Salary and Recruiting Trends Guide tracks recruitment trends in Ireland using information based on job listings, job offers and candidate registrations. The latest Guide contains information regarding where have the highest salary increases been seen over the last year. The biggest rises in salaries in 2022 were seen in technology, the financial sector […]
Digital Trade Agreements (DTAs) have emerged as pivotal frameworks for governing international trade in digital goods and services. These agreements aim to facilitate seamless cross-border data flows, enhance cooperation on cybersecurity, and set standards for digital commerce, ensuring fair competition and consumer protection. Key Aspects of Digital Trade Agreements Cross-Border Data Flows: DTAs ensure the […]
Irish Businesses can save thousands of euro on redundancy payments and recruitment costs by upskilling ‘at risk’ staff in coding, rather than making them redundant. That’s according to Dublin 8 based Wild Code School Dublin, who launched their part-time classroom-based coding courses, which run over five months just last week. Up to 46,000 jobs in […]
Excel is one of the most ubiquitous software packages in the world, enabling businesses of vastly different scales to perform both basic and complex financial calculations and data driven analysis. Learning how to utilise the vast capabilities of Excel is a very valuable toolset for either your own professional development or that of your employees. […]
Recent research conducted by iReach Insights on behalf of Google has found that SMEs need to implement cybersecurity measures. Despite the fact that Irish SMEs are increasingly aware of the importance of a secure online presence, a significant number of businesses are failing to implement fundamental cybersecurity measures. Recent statistics reveal concerning trends in password […]