Unfortunately, there are no courses listed in our database in Dunboyne. We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again. Meanwhile, feel free to use some of the options below.
What is the Circular Economy? The circular economy is an economic model that aims to eliminate waste by circulating materials and products at their highest value for as long as possible. Here we take a look at some of its key principles. What is the Circular Economy? Design out Waste – Circular systems are regenerative […]
With automation a growing influence throughout many sectors, the questions around the future of how we work also continue to grow in number.Each technological advance generates more questions. Despite the massive thinking in automation and robotics and personalisation, it is highly likely that it will be broader human capabilities, rather than individual skills, that will […]
Once you have identified the type of job you are interested in, the challenge is to get it. This takes planning – you will need to create an arresting CV, for a start. Employers and HR managers receive hundreds of CVs every year, so if yours is confusing or badly laid out then chances are […]
Donald H Taylor takes a hard look at informal learning and asks if it is an opportunity or threat for learning and development professionals. For a while there everyone was talking about informal learning – at conferences, in books and on the internet. But what does informal learning mean? In particular, what does it mean […]
Few words in the English language are as misappropriated as often as the word strategy. While most think they know what it means, the majority have very little idea as to how a successful strategy should be planned and implemented. Let’s take a look at a few tips on how a strategy can be effectively […]
“People don’t quit bad jobs. They quit bad managers.” – This widely recognized sentiment underscores the pivotal role that leadership and management play in employee retention, satisfaction, and overall organizational success. While companies often focus on job roles, perks, and compensation to keep employees happy, the key to creating a thriving, motivated team lies in […]
Recent research conducted by iReach Insights on behalf of Google has found that SMEs need to implement cybersecurity measures. Despite the fact that Irish SMEs are increasingly aware of the importance of a secure online presence, a significant number of businesses are failing to implement fundamental cybersecurity measures. Recent statistics reveal concerning trends in password […]
Ahead of the upcoming Virtual Recruitment jobs fair on 25th March, we profile Recruit.ie (formerly BCS Recruitment) and its success as a recruitment consultancy and event organiser. For over 10 years BCS Recruitment has been Ireland’s foremost specialist recruitment consultancy and event organiser and has led the way in putting skilled professionals directly in contact […]
As a business evolves, those that work within it, at all levels become part of a unique community. Those that accompany the business on its journey are almost as critical to its success as those who established it. Investing in developing your staff through supports such as mentorships have strong long term benefits for what […]
Jobs Expo is returning to Cork’s City Hall on Saturday, 14th May from 10am-4pm and will feature hundreds of active job opportunities. Jobs Expo is the only careers exhibition of its type to feature FREE ADMISSION. Get your ticket here. Whatever stage you are at in your life, whether it’s securing your first job, weighing […]