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If you’re starting a business you’re going to need a website. For a start a website is an opportunity to make a great first impression and is a great way to connect with your customers. And of course it will provide the platform for you to conduct your business, be it selling a product, providing […]
Is return on investment analysis really worth the effort? Donald H Taylor does not think so, and his article cautions fellow trainers and their clients to steer clear of this troublesome issue. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could prove training’s value in money terms? Sure, really wonderful. So why don’t we do it? A […]
Customers are at the heart of everything, whatever sector your business is in. Customers aren’t an automatic right for a business, they constantly need to be nurtured, increased and retained. Like people’s habits of consumption, purchase and usage, Customer Service trends continue to evolve and modify in line with market trends. That’s why a focus […]
Finding the right staff – and especially retaining them – is crucial for every company. One way to ensure you are getting the best out of your workforce is to invest in employee training. No matter how big or small your company, the quality of your employees has a huge impact to your company’s productivity […]
The clamour of shows, product releases, conferences and exhibitions makes it hard for people to notice your corporate event. That’s true, even of your target audience. Good publicity can be the difference between success and failure. Luckily we have is a simple step-by-step process to ensure your event is a success. STEP 1: PREPARATION Designate a […]
Performance management, and how to achieve as much productivity within a designated time frame is one of the most pressing issues for most businesses and organisatons, whatever your sector of operation or industry. Performance management courses are designed to have a definitive impact on the productivity outputs of your organisation. For managers and leaders they […]
Embarking on the journey of starting a food business in Ireland can be both exciting and challenging. The Irish food industry is a vibrant and competitive landscape, where success hinges on a well-crafted strategy, attention to detail, and a passion for delivering quality products. Whether you’re a culinary enthusiast looking to turn your passion into […]
Risk is the best-explained probability of any given event taking place, multiplied by the effect of its consequences. So for example, a highly likely outcome with harmful consequences represents a severe risk – while an unlikely event with no real consequences constituting a low risk. By undertaking training in Hazard & Risk Assesment, students will […]
While the importance of culture within workplaces is more prevalent than ever, even some firms with the most polished messaging and image can be prone to elements of a toxic work environment, and the damage it can create. There is a common belief that susceptibility to a toxic work culture is most common during the […]
So how do you know if you are biased? Answer is, you’re human. Bias exists within all people, at some level at some point, for varying durations, within their lives. The more overt forms of bias, which often takes the form of naked discrimation, are rightly confronted within society and, on a general level, there […]