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Thomas Creighton Training

The Gasworks, Ringsend, Dublin City South, Dublin, Ireland

Thomas Creighton Training (TCT) has provided training support to teachers – who have begun using new technologies in their classrooms. By increasing teacher’s confidence and abilities when using these technologies, educators have unleashed the creative potential, and have found the enormous potential of these new tools within the classroom.

For Business partners, TCT provides Management Training, Team Leader training and Professional Development Training. Prior to training, TCT works with our partners to identify training needs that will make a difference to the client. Once we have identified learning objectives, training is shaped to ensure that it is effective and can reach the objectives that client expects.

Thomas is an Apple Professional Development Consultant – recognised by Apple for his experience in delivering quality training to Education establishments, and has presented on the prestigious Apple Learning Tour (Apple’s leading education event in Europe) for two years. He is also a Microsoft Partner in Learning Trainer and works across a spectrum of devices and institutions providing a combination of technical and soft skills professional development training for educators and those involved in the education sector. He helps teacher’s to assess their Learning activities to blend them with technologies, in a way that keeps the focus of the lesson on subjects and not the technology itself.

He delivers 21st Century Learning Skills workshops to help leaders and teachers shape their classrooms and activities to deliver key areas identifed by UNESCO in their vision for 21st Century Classrooms.

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Thomas Creighton Training
The Gasworks
Ringsend, Dublin City South, Dublin
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