Course Description

Professional Cloud Security Manager - Certificate from Cloud Credential Council

The aim of this course is to explore relevant concepts related to security, risk, and compliance within the cloud computing environment. The objectives for this course are to enable the candidates to apply the underpinning security concepts into an enterprise cloud computing environment. The risks and the impact of cloud computing must be understood in terms of both business and technical security challenges and their effect on business and technical governance and policy. The course also presents the terminologies used to describe security threats and issues and, in particular, those in cloud computing.

Training ProviderTrigraph Professional Training
Course LocationDublin City South, Dublin
Location PostcodeDublin 2
Course CategoryInformation Technology
Course Duration3 days
For information about Trigraph Professional Training, please visit our Training Provider page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Trigraph Professional Training

12 Lower Hatch Street, Dublin City South, Dublin, Ireland

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    Trigraph Professional Training
    12 Lower Hatch Street
    Dublin City South, Dublin
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