Course Description


Microsoft Excel is one of the most commonly used spreadsheet programmes, whether used in businesses for customer data and accounting purposes or at home for household budgets. Having proven skills in this software will demonstrate to employers that you have had practical, hands-on experience and give you full confidence in your ability to navigate your way around the software with ease.
If you are looking to gain a qualification, this course is designed to prepare you for the City & Guilds Spreadsheet Processing Techniques Intermediate Exam, MCAS test and ECDL Advanced Spreadsheet exam.

Training ProviderPitman Training Centre (Sligo)
Course LocationSligo Town, Sligo
Course CategoryMicrosoft Excel, Information Technology
Course TypeBlended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Awarding BodyMicrosoft
Course Duration24 hours
Course FeePOA
Phone071 9144201
For information about Pitman Training Centre (Sligo), please visit our Training Provider page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Pitman Training Centre (Sligo)

JFK Parade Abbey House, Sligo, Republic of Ireland. Eircode: V94 YH6Y

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    Pitman Training Centre (Sligo)
    JFK Parade Abbey House
    Republic of Ireland
    Visit Website