Corporate Training Courses That Award: Non-Certified
A course that’s non-certified does not fall on the National Framework of Qualifications. Generally, training providers offering hobbyist, taster, or entry-level courses may give their own non-certified awards. These awards may, on occasion, be taken into consideration as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for students applying for accredited training programmes. There are other reasons courses might not be accredited; some might technical in nature or might have a certificate issued by an Awarding Body not recognised on the NFQ; while some might be non-certified, but offer the option for a learner to sit an exam or submit coursework an attain an award for an additional fee.
Unfortunately, there are no training courses in's database listed as being offered with the qualification of "Non-Certified". We are dealing with course providers on a continual basis, so please do check back again.
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